Artikel om Chip! 12 steg till att ”chippa” världen! Sant? Det går inte framåt med att vi vanliga människor har ngt att säga till om, inte när NWO är i farten. NWO= Den NYA Världsordningen! som börjar med det digitala……
Regardless of who may be behind all the media attention being given the VeriChip – be it sinister spiritual forces preparing the way for the Antichrist or capitalists eager to create a new billion-dollar industry or both – the goal is the same: to get people used to the idea, so they will buy it. This is standard advertising strategy. The more people see or hear a product being promoted, the more appealing it becomes. Eventually they are convinced they need it. (Joseph Candel)
06 Nov 2012 06:22
We are the last generation with a voice and free will to change the course of history. Everyone connected everywhere – smart phones are to be the tools of the Smart World Order; bringing an end to physical cash, keys, drivers’ licences, etc. They are also intended to be used daily to validate identity in the new ‘trusted’ Internet community.
SVENSKA Vi är den sista generationen med en röst och fri vilja att förändra historiens gång. Alla är anslutna överallt – smarta telefoner är verktyg i den Smarta världsordningen, få ett slut på fysiska kontanter, nycklar, körkort etc. De är också avsedda att användas dagligen för att validera identiteten i den nya ”betrodda” Internet-gemenskapen.
12 enkla steg för att VeriChip- a världen
We are the last generation with a voice and free will to change the course of history. Everyone connected everywhere – smart phones are to be the tools of the Smart World Order; bringing an end to physical cash, keys, drivers’ licences, etc. They are also intended to be used daily to validate identity in the new ‘trusted’ Internet community.
Simple Steps to VeriChip the World
The phone, or the chip that links the user’s ID to the phone, then becomes too valuable to lose, and the only safe place is under the skin. Unless we refuse to comply….
It goes something like this:
1. Create a climate of fear.
2. Get everyone online.
3. Enable even the poor to carry a cell phone.
4. Get everyone to talk about RFID and biometrics: the first phase of acceptance is expectation.
5. Chip as many things and people as you can (phones, pets, clothing, etc.) to make it normal.
6. Set up a global ID system but keep it hush hush.
7. Promote implants for health and safety, so people think they’re good.
8. Make it so you can use your phone for everything, especially payments and proving identity.
9. How do we know it’s really you? Your biometrics please!
10. Cyber attack! Revolution! Please protect us!
11. The economy collapses….. cash is gone, and all payments are now digital.
12. Phones get lost and stolen; biometrics get spoofed; carrying a phone is such a bother – and Verichips are just easier all round….
But… “Pssst!! Rewind!”
Time to change our minds.
We don’t have to cooperate. Awake and determined, we refuse to sign up with an Identity Provider, and we refuse to pay for anything with a phone.
We make it plain: they can stick their NSTIC up their ***
Their planned revolution takes a different course:
Be part of the movement they didn’t expect.
We are the warriors, writing history:
By the year 2020, in a bid to be free, we stood up to the corporatocracy, and won.
Postad: 6 november 2012
Hoppas du förstod allvaret i texten om chipen som är redo för människan att ta/använda först som en naturlig del i vardagen och sedan som ett tvång. Det stundar mycket allvarliga tider, men människor har ett sådant otroligt habegär att de inte reflekterar över vad som är BRA och vad som är DÅLIGT! Bibeln berättar om detta!