Joh Uppenbarelsebok.. SE DENNA LÄNK m mera och du kan översätta på din telefon eller annat, Detta är vad som sker..NWO, se vad som ska ske D Trump m fl håller på att.. skumma tider, wake up. /Joh Upp.–the-map-shows-greenland-mexico-and-canada-as-part-of-the-united-states-of-america


BOOM! A 1942 Map of the New World Order: The Map Shows Greenland, Mexico, and Canada as Part of the United States of America! Läs Allt i länken!

Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereJanuary 8, 2025Updated:January 8, 20251 Comment15 Mins Read



BOOM! A 1942 Map of the New World Order: The Map Shows Greenland, Mexico, and Canada as Part of the United States of America!

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Published in Philadelphia in early 1942, this ‘Outline of (the) Post-War New World Map’, created by Maurice Gomberg, shows a proposal to re-arrange the world after an Allied victory against the Axis forces. Its title refers to a ‘New World Order’, a vague concept, its many definitions often contradicting each other.

At the core of the NWO, however, is always the notion that a small group of powerful individuals, institutions, industries and/or nations must lead the world in the right direction (i.e. towards ‘unification’). This may be against the world’s own will (and therefore done covertly, at least in some versions of the NWO-story), but ultimately it is for its own good.

President George Bush Sr explicitly used the NWO to refer to U.S. objectives in a Post-Cold War world. The term has a pedigree much older than the Cold War, or even both World Wars. Some might even say – and now we’re straying somewhat prematurely into the field of conspiracy theory – that it goes all the way back to Roman times, as is attested by the (modified) quote of the Roman poet Virgil on the revers of the US Great Seal and (significantly or not, since 1935) on the back of the dollar bill: Novus Ordo Seclorum – literally: ‘A New Order for the Ages’.

In a modern context, it was the British imperialist Cecil Rhodes (who gave his name to Rhodesia, and the the Rhodes scholarship, of which one Bill Clinton was a recipient) who first proposed a federal world government to be imposed by the US and the British Empire. US President Woodrow Wilson was inspired by a similar concept to draw up his plans for a League of Nations in the aftermath of World War I.

Most fascist regimes in the 20s, 30s and 40s of the twentieth century also proposed some sort of NWO – in fact, most styled themselves to be a ‘New Order’. H.G. Wells – he of ‘War of the Worlds’ – wrote ‘The Open Conspiracy’ (1928) in which he describes his efforts to get intellectuals to back the idea of a World Social Democracy and ‘The New World Order’ (1940), in which he details how a generation of struggle will be necessary to overcome the opponents of such a global government.

WARNING: The Powers That Be Are Lying to You—Here’s What They Don’t Want You to Know! It can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Has been passed down through the centuries… By the Illuminati. The Free Masons:

From this sketchy overview, it might be equally sketchily concluded that One World Government was the mostly benevolent projected outcome of an optimist, positivist, socialist and/or imperialist (or in some cases, national-socialist) world view, a kind of secular New Jerusalem, the best of all possible worlds.

The death of communism, which as an ideal expired much earlier than its empire, can be seen as the ultimate argument against this philosophy. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it share that resource equally with the other horses. The philosophy of man is not: work as much as you can, consume as much as you need, but: work as little as you need to, consume as much as you can. Karl Marx defeated by Gordon Gekko.

/ JA Ta er en titt på detta I LÄNKEN FINNS HELA ARTIKEL MED VIDEO M M, och begrunda alla hästar och gubbar och krig och länder och avtal och…märkliga saker som sker, ta del av detta, även om det kan hända inte är som jag o andra kan tro, i denna villervalla…. GUD HAR ALL KONTROLL, och BIBELN BERÄTTAR JA,, Ändetider.


2 thoughts on “Joh Uppenbarelsebok.. SE DENNA LÄNK m mera och du kan översätta på din telefon eller annat, Detta är vad som sker..NWO, se vad som ska ske D Trump m fl håller på att.. skumma tider, wake up. /Joh Upp.

  1. YES YES! Så ÄR det ju!! Men det vill man ju inte fatta/Förstå. Ja jag har ju bilden /ARTIKEL/ då han skrivit under avtalet/Myntet. Hmmm så illa detta är i allt… FY FY FY. Jag har inga ord!! /Maria

  2. Det är alltså projekt det större ”Israel” som nu byggs.
    Underförstått den nya skapelsen (som är den gamla).
    Det är bland annat därför Trump ((ryttaren med bågsträngen) ska köpa Grönland.
    Jmfr med Ukraina/Grönland så ser man den sionistiska kopplingen till Tel Aviv Israel som hållpunkt.
    Läs om Abraham accord och Trumps Israel Jubileum mynt.
    När han blev ”Skjuten” så blev han smord på öronsnibben. Till kung.

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