The Last days. Videos: Mysoulrefuge and bibleverses


The Bible

Här kommer fem stycken video om de sista tiderna. Videos är från Mysolulrefuge och den mannen är en f d katolik men frälst sedan 1989. Se dessa fyra videos och du kommer att lära dig mycket.

The Last Day According To Jesus Christ (End of World Series Part One)

Jesus Christ mentioned ”the last day” 3 different times in the sixth chapter of John. (John 6:40, 44, 54) He was talking about the very last day when the ”end of the world” would come. This is the first part in the ”End of World” series where I prove through the scriptures that the second coming of Jesus Christ will mark the end of the world!

John 6:40,44,54 = The last DAY = is when Jesus returns = ONE DAY
John 12:48 = The last day = Judgment for those who rejected Christ
Acts 17:30-31 = There will be a DAY = Where God judges all mankind


The Last Day: A Day of Judgment (End of World Series Part Two)

This is the second part in the Last Day, ”End of World” series, where I prove through the scriptures that the second coming of Jesus Christ will mark the end of the world! When the Lord returns it will most certainly be a ”day of Judgment” when all of mankind will be judged at the same time.


The Last Day: One Resurrection For All Mankind (End of World Series, Part Three)

This is the third part in the ”End of World” series where I prove through the scriptures that the second coming of Jesus Christ will mark the end of the world! There is only ONE resurrection day for ALL mankind, which will take place on the last day.
John 5:28-29 = ONE Resurrection = to LIFE or DAMNATION
Daniel 12:1-2 = DEAD awake to = Everlasting LIFE or SHAME
Acts 24:14-15 = ONE resurrection = Of The JUST and the UNJUST
Revelation 20:11-15 = Great White Throne: Book of LIFE or the Lake of FIRE
Revelation 20:11-15 = This Judgment = After the “1000 Years” [this age]



The Last Day: Every Eye Shall See Him! (End of World Series Part Four)

This is the fourth part in the ”End of World” series where I prove through the scriptures that the second coming of Jesus Christ will mark the end of the world! Every eye shall see Jesus Christ when he comes again! That is an absolute one hundred percent guarantee from the scriptures!

Matthew 16:27 = Son of Man Comes In Glory With Angels/Judges EVERY man
Matthew 24:29-31 = AFTER the tribulation = Christ comes
Matthew 24:29-31 = Christ comes in CLOUDS = with POWER
Matthew 24:29-31 = The tribes of earth [Greek/phule] = mourn [Greek/kopto]

Matthew 24:29-31 = The angels GATHER the elect = the “rapture”
Mark 13:24-27 = AFTER the tribulation = Son of Man = comes in CLOUDS
Mark 13:24-27 = Jesus comes = with great POWER and GLORY
Mark 13:24-27 = Jesus sends His angels = to GATHER the elect
Mark 14:61-62 = Jesus testified that He is the Messiah
Mark 14:61-62 = Jesus testified that He would come = in CLOUDS
Mark 14:61-62 = Jesus testified that He would come = with POWER
Luke 21:25-28 = The Son of Man (Jesus) comes in CLOUDS/POWER

Acts 1:9-11 = CHRIST = will return = in CLOUDS = same way He left earth
Revelation 1:7 = Every eye = shall see him
Revelation 1:7 = The kindreds [Greek/phule] of earth wail [Greek/kopto]

Matthew 24:30 and Revelation 1:7 Describe The very SAME DAY


The Last Day: The Lord Coming In Flames of Fire (End of World Series Part Five)

This is the last part in the ”End of World” series where I prove through the scriptures that the second coming of Jesus Christ will mark the end of the world! The Lord Jesus Christ is coming with his angels in ”flames of fire” when he makes his return on the last day! The second coming is going to be a very noisy event! There will be NO secret invisible rapture as is taught in many circles today!

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 = The second coming = a NOISY EVENT
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 = The Lord descends = with a SHOUT
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 = The Lord descends = VOICE of Archangel
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 = The Lord descends = the TRUMP of God
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 = The DEAD in Christ = rise first
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 = The LIVING believers = meet LORD in air

2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 = Jesus revealed from Heaven = with ANGELS
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 = Vengeance/judgment on those = who know NOT God
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 = Vengeance on those = who disobey the Gospel
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 = The Lord comes = in flaming FIRE
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 = Everlasting destruction = from the Lord [Hell]

2 Peter 3:4 = Mocking spirit = Where is the promise of his coming?
2 Peter 3:7 = Heaven/earth reserved unto FIRE
2 Peter 3:10-14 = Heaven/earth pass away = with great NOISE
2 Peter 3:10-14 = Heaven/earth DISSOLVED = New Heaven/New Earth


Intressant eller hur! VAD som skall ske kan vi läsa i bibeln, och dessa video förklarar mycket bra. Här kan du stämma av med bibelverserna.

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