Livskraft/Lost soul/Förlora inte din själ, Sök Jesus




I wanted only good for you, Of this you can be sure. I shared God’s word, so you’d be saved, My motive, it was pure.

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Upset with me, because I told, Of heaven, and a hell. These are the words that Jesus said, So this is what I tell.

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There is a pain, deep in my heart, It’s there most every day. I’ve pled for years, I’m speechless now, There’s nothing left to say.

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An enemy, I have become, Because of truth proclaimed. Good news for all, the Gospel call, I will not be ashamed.

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Comfort, and peace, salvation’s joy, Could all be yours to keep. But still you choose, to have blind eyes, The Lord you will not seek.

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Eternity, without the Lord, Why is it you don’t fear? Years, precious few, do swiftly pass, As day of death draws near.

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The Gospel call, it separates, Both here, and when we die. We leave behind, those dearly loved, And to the Lord draw nigh.

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I wanted only good for you, There’s still no other goal. Because the Lord has filled my heart, With love for your lost soul.


Cathy White – 2008

Mark 8:36-38 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Mark 8:36 Vad hjälper det en människa att hon vinner hela världen men förlorar sin själ? 37 Och vad kan en människa ge i utbyte mot sin själ? 38 Den som skäms för mig och mina ord i detta trolösa och syndiga släkte, för honom skall också Människosonen skämmas, när han kommer i sin Faders härlighet med de heliga änglarna.


Var inte en förlorad själ, Sök Jesus!


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