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Medical Marijuana Election Outcome


Cannabis College in New York

Cannabis College in New York

These days, people are doing all they can to improve their lives and that might mean changing careers. And, sometimes, a change in career means that you have to try something way out of your comfort zone. It also might mean receiving training from a cannabis college in New York. This is especially true, if you want to embark on a cannabis career. But, you are in luck because the Cannabis Training University has open enrollment for new students who want to make an impact in the cannabis industry and you can be that person! Not The Only One You are not the only one with dreams of dominating a new industry like the marijuana industry. However, most people with that same accomplished dream did not just jump into the industry, but received the appropriate marijuana training so as to …

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Microsoft And Its Entrance In The Cannabis Industry

Medical marijuana still has a ways to go when it comes to the Drug Enforcement Administration and their stubbornness to loosen their restrictions by placing medical marijuana in the same category as heroin and LSD. Many cannabis enthusiasts and advocates are waiting for the DEA to rethink their stance and change the medical marijuana category to Schedule 2 with fewer restrictions for states that have legalized cannabis. But, let’s look at the reality of the cannabis industry first. The Noticeable Changes Despite all the drama about the DEA’s drug policy, Microsoft has announced that it will partner with a company known as ”Kind,” located in Los Angeles. This company creates software for the cannabis industry that tracks the journey of the cannabis plant from seed to sale. Why did …

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Medical Cannabis Study On Arizona Veterans

Researchers in the state of Arizona have plans to accept a small number of applications from veterans as a means of allowing them to participate in the medical cannabis study to be conducted in order to find specific treatment for PTSD sufferers. Researchers want to find the impact of medical cannabis on this disorder. The Study This medical cannabis study for the veterans has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and is a federal program licensed and also approved by the Drug Enforcement Administration. There will be thirty eight participants in the study to be conducted in the city of Phoenix and another thirty eight at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins University. This is actually the first time that the FDA and DEA have randomly approved a program in such a controlled …

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1 Mosebok 1  29 Och Gud sade: ”Se, jag ger er alla fröbärande örter på hela jorden och alla träd med frukt som har frö. Detta skall ni ha till föda. 30 Men åt alla djur på jorden, åt alla fåglar under himlen och åt allt som krälar på jorden, åt allt som har liv ger jag alla gröna örter till föda.” Och det skedde så. 31 Gud såg på allt som han hade gjort, och se, det var mycket gott. Och det blev afton och det blev morgon. Det var den sjätte dagen.

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