D Wilkerson /Faran av otro /Länk. Hebr 3. Lyd Gud



God has imbedded in me a dread of unbelief. This dread is the result of searching the Scriptures for examples of the dire consequences of unbelief.

I thank God with all that is in me for revealing to me the harm and ruin caused by unbelief. We believers have taken this matter too lightly, supposing God overlooks the doubting of those facing great affliction and hard times.

I once thought the Lord ought to give some slack to those facing seemingly hopeless situations. For example, the disciples in a sinking ship in a raging storm. My thinking was, “Lord, they are just human. They were overwhelmed by it all. It looked hopeless. It was just human response.” Yet Jesus reprimanded their little faith.

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Bibeln, Guds ord, säger oss faran av att inte lyssna. Att sluta lyssna är förhärdande. Man kan komma så långt att man inte hör Guds röst, och man vägrar lyda Guds klara och tydliga vilja. Var noga med att lyda Guds ord.  Vår frälsning är ett bevis på trofasthet. Utan den kan vi lätt ryckas med….stay faithful   /Maria

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