Avfallet i ../Njurunda församl använder hypnos


Njurunda församling använder hypnos!

”Don’t allow anything or anyone to control your mind except the Lord through His Holy Spirit and the Bible.”


Domkapitlet i Härnösand har nu fått en redogörelse av Njurunda församling om inslagen av hypnos i verksamheten.

”Målet med verksamheten har varit att ge församlingsbor möjlighet till stillhet, reflexion”, skriver komminister Monica Bjurström i rapporten.

Den omskrivna hypnosverksamheten i församlingen kallas ”Andrum”. Monica Burström skriver i rapporten att ”hypnos är ett framkallat tillstånd för avslappning och koncentration, som om­fattar både kropp och själ”. Hon menar att det är ”ett fullständigt normalt, icke-magiskt fenomen med förut­sägbara verkningar”.

Läs mer: http://www.dagen.se/dagen/article.aspx?id=255854


Artikeln från Alertsweden:


som säger:

-Så aningslöst av dig komminister Monica Bjurström, som säger dig vara präst och ska leda människor till Sanningen!

Du hjälper människorna att öppna upp för onda krafter! Du är därmed ett redskap för Satan!

Ordspråksboken 4:23 säger:

”Framför allt som skall bevaras må du bevara ditt hjärta, ty därifrån utgår livet.”

Hypnos gör dig beredd att ta emot Anti-Krist liksom all ockult verksamhet gör!


På denna nedanstående sida kan du få kunskap om hypnos utifrån en kristen synvinkel:

Logos Resource Pages

Hypnotism is dangerous for a number of reasons not the least being that it opens the mind to believe almost anything. As one researcher put it,

”hypnotic induction…consists of a system of verbal and nonverbal manipulation to lead a person into a heightened state of suggestibility — more simply, a condition in which one will believe almost anything.”13

That statement should alarm you because in essence it is saying that a person who is hypnotized can be told a lie and believe it. But does this really happen? The answer is yes. Bernard Diamond, a professor of law and clinical professor of psychiatry wrote in an article for the California Law Review that people who underwent hypnotism would”graft onto their memories fantasies or suggestions deliberately or unwittingly communicated by the hypnotist and that after hypnosis the subject cannot differentiate between a true recollection and a fantasy or a suggested detail.”14

The second reason that hypnosis is dangerous because the mind loses its ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy (truth and error). That can be dangerous because if you can be easily deceived, Satan can and does take advantage of the opportunity. Let me give you one example. Over a five year period, in the late 70’s and early 80’s, a massive study was done of more than 6,000 people who had undergone hypnosis.

It was discovered that one-fifth of those people who had been hypnotized said that they had lived previous lives on other planets! That is bizarre to say the least! But let me tell you about some other experiments. According to one of Peter Francuch experiments ”The person [who was hypnotized] was able very precisely to describe in minute detail what was happening in another friend’s house 300 miles away. At the same time, the person was able to describe exactly what was happening a month ago, a year ago, and ten years ago in the same place…”

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