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Destruction of the Twin Towers Foreshadowed in Media.  
MAN SÄGER ATT DET VAR ETT TERRORBROTT!  Efter detta skett började ju JAKTEN PÅ TERRORISTER, med W Bush som chef, och det är fortfarande i FULL GÅNG nu. Man pratar om IS och ISIS och hur kan IS vara de som styr hela världens terror??Löjligt.  Tänk på att människorna är hjärntvättade då det gäller information från media. Man tror på allt som kallas för terrorism och Bin Laden och flera galenskaper. NÄR skall människor börja tänka SJÄLVA, och också få information från den helige Ande att se saker som de är.

Nej…det var planerat sedan LÄNGE. se t ex min 6.35 in i videon…Var uppmärksam då du ser videon för det finns s k gömd info där. Se nedan

9/11 Predicted in Media *Ultimate*

World Trade Center
September 11th 2001
Predictive Programming
Ultimate Compliation
911 became the national emergency number for the United States the same year the Twin Towers construction began, 1968.
New World Order Symbolism
TV – Movies – Cartoons – Comics – Music – Magazines – Advertisements – Games

1978 Super Friends.
1985 G.I. Joe
1994 Fantastic Four
1994 Iron Man
1986 Real Ghostbusters
1997 Extreme Ghostbusters
1988 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1995 The Tick
1995 Spider-Man
1999 Spider-Man Unlimited
1997 Men in Black
2000 Batman Beyond
1997 – 1993 Simpsons
2000 Disney An Extremely Goofy Movie
April 2001 Johnny Bravo
2000 Rugrats In Paris
1992 Rugrats
1989 WWF / WWE
1968 New York Times
1979 Pakistani Internation Airport
1983 WTC Ad
1975 Cracked Magazine
1975 – 1994 Mad Magazine
1993 Hustler Magazine
1994 Vice Magazine
1976 Sesame Street
1988 Shalom Sesame
1987 Fortune International
1983 Bonjour Jeans Ad
1988 – 1995 Microsoft Flight Simulator
1995 – 1996 Philips Home Cinema Ad
1997 – 1998 Pirelli Tires Ad
2000 General Electric GE Ad
2001 Cordant Technologies
March 2001 New York Magazine
August 2001 Flexon Eyewear
September 9th 2001 Telegate
September 10th 2001 – 1993 The New Yorker
1970 Thirty Seconds Over New York
1976 911
1983 Asi Sufre Latino America
1985 The Year’s Best Science Fiction
1979 Supertramp – Breakfast In America
1989 MC 900 Ft. Jesus – Truth Is Out Of Style
1991 Ozzy Osbourne – Mama, I’m Coming Home
1998 Prince Netherlands
1992 Bone Machine – Disappearing Inc.
1994 Jeru the Damaja
1997 Air
2000 Squad Five-O – Bombs Over Broadway
May 2001 Bouncing Souls
June 2001 Tele Trieste
June 2001 The Coop – Party Music
July 7th 2001 I Am The World Trade Center – Out Of The Loop – Track 11 September
September 11th 2001 Live Scenes From New York
Comics: Marvel – DC – Wonder Woman – Superman – Spidey Super Stories – Richie Rich – Starman – The Thing – 2000AD – X-Men – Batman – Transformers – X-Force – Mort & Phil – Babe Team – Donald Duck – Mario
2000 – Liam Gallagher OASIS
1996 The Long Kiss Goodnight
March 2001 X-Files The Lone Gunman
1993 Super Mario Bros Movie
2000 The 10th Kingdom
1999 Fight Club
1999 Seven Days
1987 Lethal Weapon
1991 Terminator 2
2000 The 6th Day
1999 End of Days – Arnold Schwarzenegger
1997 Friends
1969 – 1996 AT&T
1980s WPIX11
NBC Sci-Fi Channel / Syfy
March 2000 SNL Saturday Night Live
1997 FEMA
2000 Pentagon Mass Casualty Project
2004 George Bush
January 2001 WTC Construction Manager
1970 Popular Mechanics
1995 Illuminati Card Game
2000 EA Command & Conquer
2000 Playstation Tall: Twin Tower
1992 Nintendo Aerobiz
1979 Disaster Parker Brothers Game
1991 Tetrastar
1992 King of Monsters
1994 Urban Strike
1994 Aero Fighters 2
1996 Die Hard Trilogy Game
1988 1990 1995 – Die Hard 1 2 3
1997 Operation Delta Force Clear Target
1973 – 1978 The Medusa Touch
1988 Shakedown
1997 Turbulence
1981 Escape From New York
1982 Movie Madness
1997 Path To Paradise
1998 American Airlines
US Air Delta JetBlue
March 2001 Airpop Terminal 2
1997 Jungle 2 Jungle
1986 Crocodile Dundee
2000 Autumn In New York
1999 Pushing Tin
2000 Disappearing Acts
1991 PBS Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
1986 Dream Machine
1975 Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower Publication
1980s Mugs sold in NYC
1997 Data Around Us
1987 The Squeeze
1975 National Lampoon Magazine
1976 The Towering Inferno
1979 Encounter With Disaster
1979 Meteor
1996 Independence Day
1993 The Pelican Brief
1995 Seven
1998 Armageddon
1999 The Matrix
1998 Enemy of the State
1975 The Human Factor
1996 A Time To Kill
1997 Face/Off
1998 The Big Lebowski
1996 The Juror
1987 Beverly Hills Cop 2
1990 Home Alone
1991 Problem Child 2
1984 Johnny Dangerously
1998 The Parent Trap
1997 The Peacemaker
2000 The Patriot
2000 Traffic
1967 David Rockefeller Newsweek
1970 Doomsday
1998 Godzilla
Robin Williams
1990 Awakenings
1991 The Fisher King
1992 The Distinguished Gentleman
1983 Trading Places – Aaron Russo
1983 Twilight Zone
1987 Mannequin
1994 The Paper
March 2001 Someone Like You
1997 LA Confidential
2000 Maza aka Touched
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
2001 Kissing Jessica Stein
1958 Alfred Hitchcock Appointment at Eleven
1985 Rambo 2
1997 Devil’s Advocate
1990 Pretty Woman
1999 Just The Ticket
1994 The Crow
X-Files – Millennium – Harsh Realm
September 11th 2001 CBS Whoopi Goldberg Entenmanns
October 2001 Monster Inc
1972 Walt Disney Mickey Mouse
1994 The Stand
1983 Christine
1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
1984 Gremlins
1990 Gremlins 2
1987 Wall Street
1973 Godspell
1990 Ducktails
1985 Back To The Future Predicts 9/11
1984 Ghostbusters
2001 The Shaft aka Down
1985 Santa Claus
1998 The Book of Life
1981 They All Laughed
1995 Hackers
September 11th 1995 Gargoyles
2005 Tom and Jerry
2005 Macklemore Bush Song

There’s actually many more examples, not shown in this video.
9/11 Hidden in Hollywood


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