Själ får liv. Jesus frälser!


Marias tavla

Marias tavla



1. Lord, I was blind; I could not see
In Thy marred visage any grace,
But now the beauty of Thy face
In radiant vision dawns on me.

2. Lord, I was deaf; I could not hear
The thrilling music of Thy voice;
But now I hear Thee and rejoice,
And all Thine uttered words are dear!

3. Lord, I was dumb; I could not speak
The grace and glory of Thy name;
But now, as touched with living flame,
My lips Thine eager praises wake.

4. Lord, I was dead; I could not stir
My lifeless soul to come to Thee;
But now, since Thou hast quickened me,
I rise from sin’s dark sepulcher.

5. For Thou hast made the blind to see,
The deaf to hear, the dumb to speak,
The dead to live; and, lo, I break
The chains of my captivity.


En gång var jag också både blind och döv och kände inte Jesus. MEN, han  frälste mig och han gav mig ett nytt liv,  och att få  LEVA för honom är det bästa jag kan få göra. /Maria



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