Archive | oktober 2011

Falska religioner /Ekumenik/ U Ekman…..


….Ekumenik….  U Ekman /P Halldorf

Ryttargårdskyrkan i Linköp. är numer en ekumenisk k. Märkligt är att pastorer tar emot andlig vägledning av de som tillber de döda. Ryttarg-k är nära knuten till mystikern Peter Halldorf.

Sionförsamlingen i Linköping. Ekumeniken har blivit viktig, och pingtspastorn Peter Halldorf ser mer och mer ut som en katolsk präst med skägg som en ortodox patriark. Ja jag tänker på orden om att också djävulen kommer som en ängel av ljus.
Om desa angelägna saker kan du läsa hos Hulda, på sidan:


Bibelord / Penningbegäret


1Ti 6:10  Ty penningbegäret är en rot till allt ont; och somliga hava låtit sig så drivas därav, att de hava villats bort ifrån tron och därigenom tillskyndat sig själva många kval.

1Ti 6:11  Men fly sådant, du gudsmänniska, och far efter rättfärdighet, gudsfruktan, tro, kärlek, ståndaktighet, saktmod.

1Ti 6:12  Kämpa trons goda kamp, sök att vinna det eviga livet, vartill du har blivit kallad, du som ock inför många vittnen har avlagt den goda bekännelsen.

1Ti 6:13  Inför Gud, som giver liv åt allt, och inför Kristus Jesus, som under Pontius Pilatus vittnade med den goda bekännelsen, manar jag dig

1Ti 6:14  att, själv utan fläck och tadel, hålla vad jag har bjudit, intill vår Herres, Jesu Kristi, uppenbarelse,

1Ti 6:15  vilken den salige, ende härskaren skall låta oss se, när tiden är inne, han som är konungarnas konung och herrarnas herre,

1Ti 6:16  han som allena har odödlighet och bor i ett ljus dit ingen kan komma, han som ingen människa har sett eller kan se. Honom vare ära och evigt välde! Amen.

1Ti 6:17  Bjud dem som äro rika i den tidsålder som nu är att icke högmodas, och att icke sätta sitt hopp till ovissa rikedomar, utan till Gud, som rikligen giver oss allt till att njuta därav;


Är pengar lycka? Nej säger jag, men de kan vara bra att ha, så länge de finns. Den rike vill ha mer, det kan man ju förstå. Vad Gud säger är ju vad vi människor skall se på. Paulus har en del principer och de är:

1) Inse att all rikedom en dag blir värdelös. (6:7, 17)    2)Var nöjd med det du har  (6:8),  3) Tänk efter vad det kan kosta dig att få tillgång till mer pengar (6:9-10).  4) Älska människor mer än pengar (6:11)  5) Älska arbetet för Gud mer än pengar (6:11) 6) Dela med dig av det du har till andra (6:18).  Se även Ordsprboken 30:7-9)

Alltså:rättfärdighet, gudsfruktan, tro, kärlek, ståndaktighet, saktmod, vill Gud att vi strävar efter.


Hälsa /Elektronik, telefoner, smartmeters,



Smart Meters: Smart “Mätare: mer strålning än en mobilmast.

Vi människor lever farligare än vi tror. Farorna är många men man tycks inte märka dem. Se videon.


Jesus talade om att himmelriket var nära /Matt 5:3-12. Då frågade folket sig naturligtvis vad som krävdes för att få medborgarskap. Jesus talade då om att de måste leva annorlunda än de  religiösa ledarna hade lärt dem. De måste söka utbyte och behållning va helt annat slag än det som fariséer och saddukkéer erbjöd. Många söker efter lycka, “lyckan kommer, lyckan går.”

Vad har detta med Smart Meters och USA att göra?

Jo det har att göra med att vi troende och andra försöker tala om hur det verkligen ser ut och varför. I vårt land har vi massor med “skumma” saker, hälsofarliga saker, som ingen tycks reagera för. Den bestående glädjen och sanningen finns hos Gud  och inte i några farliga prylar. Lev så rent som möjligt och titta dig om vad du kan undvika. Undvik de nya telefonerna med Iphone m m, de kommer att utsättas för FRA-avlyssning i stor skala. 3G, 4G, 5G…farlig strålning, men man pratar på!

Är det svenska folkets livsideal en kopia av världens själviskhet, stolthet och maktbegär, eller speglar det de värden som Jesus har kallat dig/de/dem/oss att leva efter. ??
Jodå jag HAR ställt denna fråga massor av gånger men det finns aldrig någon som svarar på frågan, vad tycker ni svenska folk?


NWO/ Länk att läsa. Vad sker? Är vi pålästa…


De flesta har nog undrat, eller har de bara accepterat?, att det ser ut som det gör och det som sker det sker? Är det så? Frågan ställer jag för att göra människor uppmärksamma, igen, på att det finns ett mönster i allt det vi ser ske framför ögonen på oss, men man reagerar inte så starkt precis. Ska det vara så?

I Länken nedan och i saxad artikel kan du se vad som sker, och vad som kommer. Artiklarna talar om terrorism och om en skenande ekonomi m m, precis sådant som är vanligt nuförtiden, Följ med i länken och läs mer, för det skadar inte att vara påläst!  /Maria
There was a discussion of terrorism. Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world. Terrorism at that time was thought would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system. But at least in the foreseeable future it was not planned. And very benignly on their part. Maybe terrorism would not be required here, but the implication being that it would be indeed used if it was necessary. Along with this came a bit of a scolding that Americans had had it too good anyway and just a little bit of terrorism would help convince Americans that the world is indeed a dangerous place, or can be if we don’t relinquish control to the proper authorities.
There was discussion of money and banking. One statement was, “Inflation is infinite. You can put an infinite number of zeros after any number and put the decimals points wherever you want”, as an indication that inflation is a tool of the controllers. Money would become predominately credit. It was already. Money is primarily a credit thing but exchange of money would be not cash or palpable things but electronic credit signal. People would carry money only in very small amounts for things like chewing gum and candy bars. Any purchase of any significant amount would be done electronically. Earnings would be electronically entered into your account. It would be a single banking system. It may have the appearance of being more than one but ultimately and basically it would be one single banking system, so that when you got paid your pay would be entered for you into your account balance and then when you purchased anything at the point of purchase it would be deducted from your account balance and you would actually carry nothing with you. Also computer records can be kept on whatever it was you purchased so that if you were purchasing too much of any particular item and some official wanted to know what you were doing with your money they could go back and review your purchases and determine what you were buying.
There was a statement that any purchase of significant size like an automobile, bicycle, a refrigerator, a radio or television or whatever might have some sort of identification on it so it could be traced, so that very quickly anything which was either given away or stolen – whatever – authorities would be able to establish who purchased it and when. Computers would allow this to happen. The ability to save would be greatly curtailed. People would just not be able to save any considerable degree of wealth. There was some statement of recognition that wealth represents power and wealth in the hands of a lot of people is not good for the people in charge so if you save too much you might be taxed. The more you save the higher rate of tax on your savings so your savings really could never get very far. And also if you began to show a pattern of saving too much you might have your pay cut. We would say, “Well, your saving instead of spending. You really don’t need all that money.”
That basically the idea being to prevent people from accumulating any wealth which might have long range disruptive influence on the system. People would be encouraged to use credit to borrow and then also be encouraged to renege on their debt so they would destroy their own credit. The idea here is that, again, if you’re too stupid to handle credit wisely, this gives the authorities the opportunity to come down hard on you once you’ve shot your credit. Electronic payments initially would all be based on different kinds of credit cards which were already in use in 1969 to some extent. Not as much as now, but people would have credit cards with the electronic strip on it and once they got used to that then it would be pointed out the advantage of having all of that combined into a single credit card, serving a single monetary system and then they won’t have to carry around all that plastic.


Det förvånar mig verkligen att troende kristna vet så lite om vad som sker och vad som kommer, det känns inte bra i magtrakten på mig o andra att man inte vill veta olika saker. Varför känns det bäst att sitta i en bubbla och tro att allt är ok? Det är det ju bevisligen inte. /Maria

År 2011 /M Ghadaffi


Man säger att den fruktade ledaren M Ghadaffi /Khadaffi är död. Kan det vara sant? Kan man tro på det? Varför jag sätter ett frågetacken är för att ledare efter ledare blir dödade på ett, som det verkar vara, enkelt sätt av styrkor som ingen vet är de som är de riktiga i sammanhanget. Vidare är det väldigt konstigt att M Ghadaffi låter sig fångas på det viset, han som har alla flyktvägar och pengar till sin fördel, och varför har man inte fått bort honom från sin ställning på alla dessa år?  Det finns väldigt många olika historier om hur detta gick till.

Är det jag som är dum kanske, det finns nog inga konspirationsteorier, och det kanske bara är jag som anser att detta är knepigt att Libyen plötsligt är fritt från en terrorledare som regerat i 42 år. 

Likaså har de andra länderna blivit fria, kanske Grekland snart är på grön kvist igen efter sin dåliga ekonomi…

Samtidigt säger F Reinfeldt idag att vi  (nya moderaterna?) har väldigt bra skyddsnät för de sjuka och fattiga, ja han sade mer än så…nyss. Ansvar, ja han talar om ansvar.


Psaltaren / Ps 82, Ps 91:1-9 Vår Gud


Psa 82
En psalm av Asaf. Gud står i gudaförsamlingen, mitt ibland gudarna håller han dom: “Huru länge skolen I döma orätt och vara partiska för de ogudaktiga? Sela.
Skaffen den arme och faderlöse rätt, given den betryckte och torftige rättvisa.

Befrien den arme och fattige, rädden honom från de ogudaktigas hand.

Men de veta intet och hava intet förstånd, de vandra i mörker; jordens alla grundvalar vackla.

Jag har väl sagt att I ären gudar och allasammans den Högstes söner; men I måsten dock dö, såsom människor dö, och falla, likaväl som var furste faller.”

Ja, stå upp, o Gud; håll dom över jorden, ty med arvsrätt råder du över alla folk. 

I denna psalm kallas Israels domare “gudar” och “söner” till den Högste. Gudar kallas de i egenskap av  Guds representanter med rätt att avkunna domar. I Joh 10:34-36 hänvisar Jesus till detta ställe för att försvara sina anspråk på att vara Gud. Hans tanke var denna: Om Gud kunde kalla människor för gudar, varför var det då hädelse när han, Guds son, påstod sig vara jämställd med Gud? /Ps 82:6

Psa 91:1
Den som sitter under den Högstes beskärm och vilar under den Allsmäktiges skugga, Psa 91:2
han säger: “I HERREN har jag min tillflykt och min borg, min Gud, på vilken jag förtröstar.” Psa 91:3
Ja, han skall rädda dig ifrån fågelfängarens snara och ifrån pesten, som fördärvar. Psa 91:4
Med sina fjädrar skall han betäcka dig, och under hans vingar skall du finna tillflykt; hans trofasthet är sköld och skärm. Psa 91:5
Du skall icke behöva frukta nattens fasor, icke pilen, som flyger om dagen, Psa 91:6
icke pesten, som går fram i mörkret, eller farsoten, som ödelägger vid middagens ljus. Psa 91:7
Om ock tusen falla vid din sida, ja, tio tusen vid din högra sida, så skall det dock icke drabba dig. Psa 91:8
Dina ögon skola blott skåda därpå med lust, och du skall se de ogudaktigas lön. Psa 91:9
Ty du har sagt: “Du, HERRE, är mitt skygd”, och du har gjort den Högste till din tillflykt.
/Läs gärna hela  ps 91 /M

Falska religioner, falska profeter / Video


Falska profeter, ja de finns, och man fortsätter att rapportera:

Chuck Smith, Rick Joyner and The Vatican Connection
Videon om de falska profeterna och samröre med Vatikanen  kommer här:

Det kommer fler avslöjanden i denna kategori. Välkommen är du  att få veta mer. /Maria

Israel / Artikel som förklarar. Today´s Israel


The following article was written by Jon Zens and appeared in SEARCHING TOGETHER MAGAZINE, Winter, 1991.


“Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, says he has been assured by Prime Minister Menachem Begin that Israel eventually will control an area that includes parts of Egypt and Turkey. Begin shares the Biblical view of the promised land said Falwell in a copyright story in Sunday’s editions of the Tyler Courier-Times Telegraph. He said Begin, whom he termed a personal friend, told him that the first book of the Bible predicts Israel eventually will have boundaries on the Euphrates and Nile rivers and will include portions of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Sudan, Lebanon, Jordan and Kuwait.” Eugene Register-Guard (Eugene. OR), Feb. 7, 1983.

The above Israel-centered sentiments reflect one popular viewpoint among Bible-believers in America. Adherents of this view believe that all nations must bless and protect Israel or incur God’s wrath. Few, however, realize that this particular prophetic perspective began in England with the Irvingites and J.N. Darby in the 1830’s. This outlook had never before been suggested in the history of Christian thinking. Yet, because of seven trips that Darby made to America during his lifetime in the nineteenth century, his views ultimately came to dominate among evangelicals in the States.

The essence of this position is that God has two purposes in history, an earthly one with Israel and a heavenly one with the church. From this vantage point what transpires in the world is Israel-centered. Hence, Charles Feinberg’s 1980 hook is titled Israel: At The Center Of History and Revelation (Multnomah Press). As a result, the literature on “prophecy” that fills the shelves of bookstores brings readers the following dogmatic opinions:

What is God’s will for today? This can be put into one word: Israel. Israel is the final chord of a scriptural age and at the same time she is the prelude to a new age, the millennium, the thousand years of peace. The eternal God is busy today fulfilling his holy will, that is, concerning Israel herself…. All nations are compelled today to do God’s will so that it is actually being said to Israel, “be built” and to the temple “be laid.”

The land given to Israel was never intended to be an end in itself. It pointed to something better in the future.

This two-purposes theory, which came to be called “Dispensationalism,” carries with it a peculiar notion about Israel’s “right” to certain geographical territory in Palestine. Proponents of this view claim that God has given Israel that land “forever.” If she has a “divine right” to this soil, then it is easy to see how this provides justification for all types of military conflict, and causes a stumbling block to peaceful political solutions in the Middle East. (Of course, the problem is compounded since all Middle Eastern nations claim that God is with them).

Does Israel have God’s sanction to possess a land in these days? Must Christians support Israel because God is with her in some special way? Is this post-1948 nation the center of history? Is Christ or Israel the focus of God’s revelation? These and other questions will be addressed in what follows.


God Promised a Land to Abraham
In Genesis 12:5-7 God spoke to Abraham and promised, “to your seed I will give this land.” This foundational promise to Abraham is the premise for contemporary claims that God has given a specific land to Israel “forever.” However, it is significant that Paul saw these words given to Abram-“in you all the nations will be blessed” – as an announcement of the gospel to the Gentiles, not as an indication of Israel’s centrality as a measuring stick for world events (Gal. 3:8).


God Sealed This Promise
in a Covenant Ceremony
In Genesis 15:7-21 God makes a covenant with Abraham which was ratified by God symbolically passing through the pieces of meat. The giving of a defined territory is at the heart of this solemn ceremony: “to your seed I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates; the Kenites, the Kenizites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perrizites, the Rephaims, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites and Jesushites.”

In the midst of this covenant-making event, the future of Israel is spelled out: bondage in Egypt for 400 years; the judgment upon Pharaoh; the Exodus; and entrance into the land described above in the fourth generation.


God Fulfilled This Abrahamic Promise
Later in History
It is clear from a number of Old Testament statements that the land-promise to Abraham was indeed fulfilled. The land was given delineated in Genesis 15, and several verses in Joshua are especially forceful in this regard:

So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses, and He gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions (Josh. 11:23)…. So the Lord gave Israel all the land He has sworn to their forefathers, and they took possession of it and settled there. The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as He had sworn to their forefathers….Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled (Joshua 21:41-45).

The law-covenant had a historical beginning and ending (Gal 3:17,19,25; Heb 8:13).
There are many other Old Testament scriptures that echo this fulfillment theme (Gen. 28:13-15; 1 Kings 4:21, 8:56; Deut. 28; Exodus 3:17, 6:8; Deut. 30:20, 1:8, 7:2, 11:23, 34:1-4; Joshua 23:13-16; Neh. 9:8, 21-25). If the territorial dimension of the Lord’s promise to Abraham was fulfilled, as these scriptures assert, this raises serious questions about the propriety of suggesting that twentieth-century “Israel” has a divine claim to this land. The Lord accomplished His word: He gave the descendants of Abraham the land described in Genesis 15:18-21. To purport that God has somehow not yet fulfilled the land-promises, or that they actually came to fruition in 1948, is to stretch the original prophetic word to Abraham beyond recognition.


Israel’s Remaining in this Land
was Conditioned on Obedience
There are many verses in Deuteronomy that reflect the foundation of the Mosaic covenant, “do this and live,” with respect to the land. If Israel ever went after other gods and broke the covenant, she was assured by God that she would be “cast out of the land.” Abiding in the land God had given to them was linked to their faithfulness. Unfaithfulness had serious consequences.
Abiding in the land, God had given to them, was linked to their faithfulness.

Israel’s later history reflected the implications of her disobedience. The land was invaded by foreigners, and Israel was captive in a strange land. As time went on the Israelites were “dispersed” to various places in the world. It is this “casting out” of Israel from the land that sets the stage for a future concept of regathering into that lost territory.


The New Testament Perspective
on Israel and the Land
The New Testament teaches that the formation, history and institutions of Israel were types and shadows of spiritual realities that would come in the days of the Messiah (Heb.8:1-5; 1 Cor.10:18). The essential elements of Israel’s life as a covenant people (prophet, priest, king, sacrificial system, ark of the covenant, etc.) were all fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27, 44-45; Rom.15:8; 2 Cor.1:20).
The …institutions of Israel were types and shadows of spiritual realities that would come in the days of the Messiah.

The preparatory nature of the Mosaic economy must be underscored. The law-covenant had an historical beginning and ending (Ga1.3:17, 19, 25). The old covenant was temporary and lasted only “until the Seed (Christ) had come.” When the fulfillment had come there was no reason to continue the types and shadows (Co1.2:16-17). Israel as an earthly people separated to God by the Exodus was to be fulfilled by Christ, whose obedience unto death constituted a New Exodus that would separate a New Covenant people for God’s service.

It is only in this light that the “promised land” must be evaluated. The land given to Israel was never intended to be an end in itself. It pointed to something better in the future. Even Abraham who received the promises did not focus on earthly geography, but rather on a “better country – a heavenly one. . . whose architect and builder is God” (Heb.ll:16,10). Like other aspects of Israel’s covenant life, the land was a picture of gospel realities to come, not an ongoing entity to be somehow reclaimed in the future by an earthly people in 1948.

The land was a picture of gospel realities to come, not an ongoing entity to somehow be reclaimed in the future by an earthly people in 1948.

The concept of “Israel” is fulfilled both in Christ and in the new people of God, the body of Christ. Jesus, like Israel, is called out of Egypt (Matt.2:15) and finds Himself in the wilderness (Matt.4:1-2). Jesus, unlike Israel, is obedient to the covenant and is the “faithful servant” referred to in the Prophets.

In light of the emphasis given to alleged unalterable promises made to Israel about the land, it is instructive to recall that God’s words were addressed to Abraham and his “seed.” This “Seed,” says Paul, was singular and refers to Christ, not to an earthly people (Ga1.3:16). Thus, for example, the promised offspring to Abraham must be seen as an innumerable company of believers, not as a regathering of an earthly nation (Ga1.3:29; Rev.5:9, 7:9). The physical descendants of Abraham, who indeed became like the sand of the sea in number, were a picture of the harvest Christ would accomplish in the gospel age from every tribe, kindred and people. For this reason believers can be referred to by Paul as “the Israel of God” (Ga1.6:16).


The Rise of “Zionism”
Because Israel was cast out of the covenant land and forced to exist in cultures outside of Palestine, it is not surprising that as history elapsed a new form of Israelite nationalism would arise. From the time of Constantine onwards those attached to the synagogues had a rough time functioning in other countries. They were often persecuted, mistreated, misunderstood and discriminated against. Nevertheless, being hard workers, they tended to prosper in their trades and businesses.

“Zion” came to refer to the deep attachment most Jews had for their homeland. “Zionism” is primarily a modern movement that arose out of some social struggles of the nineteenth century. Anti-Semitism, especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, caused the Jews to long for a rebirth of Judaism. This became connected to their “right” to the old promised land.

“Zionism” was divided into two camps. Some, like Ahad Ha’am, focused on spiritual renewal. But the major thrust, which was essentially political and nationalistic, came from men like Moses Hess, Leo Pinsker and Theodor Herzl.

In the late nineteenth century some wealthy Jews in Western Europe helped assist in the establishment of small Jewish colonies in Palestine. In this context, Theodor Kerzl’s per Judenstaat, “The Jewish State” (1896), became the foundation for modern Zionism. He came to the conclusion that a homeland for the Jews was the only solution to the mistreatment they were experiencing in most other places. Under his guidance the first Zionist Congress met in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897 and the World Zionist Organization was formed.

A proposal for a Jewish homeland obviously created a serious conflict with those already living in Palestine. What would happen to those already occupying this region? Would these people leave peacefully so that Jews could live in ”their” land?

Herzl’s ideas were passed on to a Russian-born Jew, Chaim Weizmann, in 1904. Because of his discovery of a powerful explosive called cordite (he was a chemist at the University of Manchester), Weizmann was brought into prominence. He used his influence to try and get the British government to conquer Palestine, hold it for Jewish immigration and settlement, and then allow the land to be used for British interests. Through a series of events the British took over Jerusalem in December of 1917. Then in the Balfour Declaration it was stated that Britain favored the establishment of a home in Palestine for the Jews, but not to the hurt of those already living in the area.

Needless to say, in the ensuing years tensions began to mount between Jewish settlers and the Arab population. The Biltmore Conference (May, 1942), led by David Ben-Gurion, stated that British-controlled Palestine should become Jewish property. This alarmed many Jews, and as a result an anti-Zionist organization – The American Council for Judaism – was formed in May of 1943.

With the knowledge of Hitler’s atrocities against the Jews coming to light in May of 1945, the Zionist program regained strength and support. But Arabs resisted the importation of Jews into the land.

In 1947 the British turned over their control of Palestine to the newly-formed United Nations Organization. Under much political pressure, the U.N. finally partitioned off’ a small portion of the land (the size of Vermont) for the Jews in November of 1947. As the British withdrew in 1948, armed groups of Zionists forced thousands of Arabs to leave their homes. In the midst of this conflict there was a declaration of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948.

Since then there has been constant pressure for Jews to return to “the land.” World Zionism looks upon this State as the home of all Jews. The Justification for Occupying “The Land” In order to justify the many political and military actions necessary to establish, maintain, defend and expand “the land,” Zionists have used many Old Testament texts. Inherent in this approach is the idea that God is on Israel’s side, and that He has purposed for her to possess this land. With this foundation a rationale is provided to kill people, to displace thousands of people, and to do what it takes to “rule.”
“Support Israel or Experience God’s Wrath”
– Jerry Falwell
To add to the problem many conservative Christians believe that the Old Testament supports Israel’s right to the land, and they see May 14, 1948, as an amazing fulfillment of “prophecy.” Those who hold to this perspective believe that Christians must be pro-Israel. Jerry Falwell asserted at a meeting of religious broadcasters, “theologically, any Christian has to support Israel, simply because Jesus said to.” During the 1973 Yom Kippur war, Oral Roberts confidently posited, “there is no way Israel is going to be defeated, according to the Bible.” Thus many television and radio preachers and Christian leaders fervently encourage their followers to support Israel in her efforts to maintain the land, and even exhort believers to contribute financial aid for Israel’s cause.

Based on God’s promise to Abraham — “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” — many preachers are dogmatic in saying that all nations must support Israel or be doomed to the worst calamities. This leads to the conviction, of course, that the USA must support Israel’s cause or experience God’s wrath, as Jerry Falwell suggested. Tremendous pressure is exerted by pro-Israel forces upon our State Department not to do anything that would violate our good relations with Israel. To compound this problem, recent U.S. Presidents have embraced the notion of Israel’s divine right to the land.


God Is With Us”
The position of the Zionists and of many Christians creates many serious problems. If God is on Israel’s side, then it becomes virtually impossible to critique her policies and actions. In principle, whatever Israel does must be right since God backs her supremacy in the land. We must never forget, however, that “God is with us” was inscribed on the belt buckles of those who burned Jews in ovens. History reveals that the “God is with us” slogan has often been behind the worst of atrocities.


God Is Not With Israel or Any Other Nation
In the former days God did separate Israel for Himself and gave her the land promised to Abraham. Israel was special among all the nations of the earth (Deut.7). But ultimately the blessing upon Abraham was to be given to all the nations (Matt.28:19-20). With the coming of Christ God fulfilled all the promises to the fathers (Rom.15:8). In this age, “God does not show favoritism, but accepts people from every nation who fear Him and do what is right” (Acts 10:34).

All of Israel’s institutions were fulfilled in Christ – including the land concept Heb. 3-4). The Old Testament clearly states that God kept His word and gave the land to Israel. The notion that God had to give the land “again” is without Biblical foundation.
The notion that God has to give the land “again” is without Biblical foundation. 

There is nothing wrong with Jews living in a certain land, but to claim a “divine right” to it and to employ this claim as a basis for disputing, hurting, and killing others is wrong. God is not with people when they manipulate and intimidate others. God uses the wicked actions of people in His purposes, but He does not sanction them.


Concluding Thoughts…
The Middle East conflicts have no easy solution. But we can be sure that a solution for the benefit of ail involved cannot be realized as long as many Jews and Christians continue to maintain that God is with Israel in the taking of “the land.” The “divine right” notion will only block efforts for peace in the Middle East. It can only serve as continued justification for taking the lives of others in “serving God’s cause.”

More importantly, however, it must be noted that the Israel-centeredness of much Evangelicalism/Fundamentalism diverts attention away from the One whom God has set His seal upon – Jesus Christ (John 6:27; Matt.3:17). People are blessed or cursed not by how they treat Israel, but by how they respond to the claims of Christ upon their lives (Psalm 2:12; 1 Cor.16:22). God’s purpose focuses on the Son, not on an earthly nation (Eph.3:ll). God is not ruling all things with reference to Israel, but with reference to the body of Christ on earth (Eph.l:22). The unfolding of the future is not gauged by what happens to Israel, but by what Christ is doing to build His congregations.

People are blessed or cursed not by how they treat Israel, but by how they respond to the claims of Christ upon their lives
(Psalm 2:12; 1 Cor.16:22).

The Scriptures – Old and New – specifically tell us how God is with us. Jesus’ name was Immanuel – “God with us.” God is with those who are in his Son, not with any nation. In this sense, then, He is with all those believers who are “in Christ.”

HÄR finns artikeln : som förklarar mycket av det som är missförstått sedan länge


This entry was posted on 19 oktober 2011, in Okategoriserade. 4 Comments

Kända Sånger / Gör mig till din avbild. / Vänta på Gud


*Gör mig till din avbild, Så att världen ser, Hur ditt eget liv, Blir synligt mer och mer.

Många lever utan dig, Vet ej vem Du är, Famlar fram i Mörker, De kan inte se.

Så gör mig till din avbild. Så att världen ser, Hur ditt eget liv, Blir synligt mer och mer.

Gör mig till din avbild, Så att världen ser, Hur ditt eget liv, Blir synligt mer och mer.*


Vi ska ju sträva efter att Jesus skall synas i oss, så att världen ser att vi tillhör honom, vart vi än går eller står så skall något eller mycket synas av Jesus Kristus i oss. Det är ett växande, mognande, innan man kan förstå hur viktigt det är.


Vi måste vänta, vänta, vänta på Gud, Vi måste vänta, vänta, vänta på Gud.
Lära oss förstå att bara i hans tid, kan vi verka, kan vi tala, kan vi gå.

Vi måste vänta, vänta, vänta på Gud, Vi måste vänta, vänta vänta på Gud.
Lära oss förstå att bara i hans tid, kan vi verka, kan vi tala, kan vi gå.

Vi måste vänta, vänta, vänta på Gud, Vi måste vänta, vänta, vänta på Gud. ….


Hur lätt är det att VÄNTA? Och att vänta på Gud dessutom? Det är svårt det. Vi måste lära oss att inte springa före, det går inte att göra så, för då är det inte Guds vilja som får ske, utan vår egen, och den skall vi ju lämna, eller hur.
Tålamod måste vi bygga upp för att kunna gå med Gud. Och- han har tålamod med oss- ett stort sådant och lär oss det vi behöver kunna. Han är god.



Bibelord / Behaga Gud



Psa 51:16(51:18) Ty du har icke behag till offer, eljest skulle jag giva dig sådana; till brännoffer har du icke lust. Psa 51:17(51:19) Det offer som behagar Gud är en förkrossad ande; ett förkrossat och bedrövat hjärta skall du, Gud, icke förakta.


Gudsfruktan/ har de gudsfruktan?moral? stenhjärtan?


Repalus kritiker tiger när dement och hjärtsjuk kvinna ska utvisas
by Rune Lanestrand

De politiskt korrekta politikerna som gick hårt åt Ilmari Repalu när han ville utvisa grovt kriminella tiger när den ryska kvinnan Ganna Chyzhevska ska utvisas.
Invandringspolitiken blir allt underligare. Chyzhevska har inga anhöriga i Ukraina och det är tveksamt om den gamla och sjuka kvinna ens klarar flygresan. Ändå ska hon utvisas.
Nu har de som ville framstå som humana när de kritiserade Repalus förslag avslöjat sig själva.
De kan tydligen tänka sig att utvisa en dement 91 år gammal hjärtsjuk kvinna men däremot inte personer som begått upprepade grova brott. I många fall är det fråga om ligamedlemmar och som ingår i kriminella nätverk.
Dessa grovt kriminella ömmar dessa “humanistiska” politiker för i sin strävan att gå en högljudd kulturelit och en av medierna inbillad majoritet till mötes.
Naturligtvis ska Ganna Chyzhevska få stanna i Sverige.
av :Rune Lanestrand


Tack Rune!   Vi är många många människor som undrar vad det är för några som sitter i regeringar och i Migrationsverket. Hur tänker de? Tänker de någon gång med hjärtat, eller har de de  där stenhjärtana som Gud vill att man skall byta mot blödande hjärtan? JA jag tror att de har stenhjärtan, de flesta av dem, och de verkar inte så välutbildade som man skulle kunna tro att de är. Det finns nog andra människor som platsar bättre på en del av stolarna. Vi är måånga människor som kan be nu för denna gamla kvinna, att rättvisa skipas. Och när man ber till Gud om olika saker i bön, så brukar man få underbara bönesvar. Vet du varför? För att Gud är rättvisan själv.

Vi kan också be att skurkarna som gör grova brott får sona dessa bakom lås och bom, eller hur nu Gud vill ha det.  Låt hans vilja ske./Maria